What is a reflexology treatment?
A complete reflexology therapy session uses many different techniques and includes all of the points on both feet. The session generally starts at the toes, and works down to the heel of the foot, then works the areas on the sides and top.
By working all of the points, I address internal organs and glands as well as muscle groups, bones, nerve ganglions (solar plexus, brachial plexus) and nerves (sciatic) during a session.
If I find congestion or tightness during the session, I will apply pressure to work on bringing the body back into balance. If I find an area of pain, the area is worked until harmony is brought to the area or point. The goal is to bring the whole body into balance, and then the pain will subside. I stimulate the nervous system to do the work, it is not the therapist who "fixes" it.
What is the focus of the session?
Regardless of your health condition(s) I focus on the entire pattern of the reflexology therapy, starting at the toes and working down the foot.
Having a specific condition in mind allows me to carefully feel and work the area corresponding to the presenting problem. However I will work all areas of the foot with gentle pressure, because, according to reflexology theories, this allows the nerve pathways and congestion to release and promotes the relaxation response for the entire body.
For example, if you are suffering from migraines, the migraine points on the toes will be carefully, mindfully worked, assessing congestion or tension in the foot. But I will still work the entire pattern on your foot in order to address the whole body.
Throughout, I will stay present, grounded, and in a calm and centered state of awareness.
REFLEXOLOGISTS DO NOT DIAGNOSE! I do not diagnose or tell you about any congestion or tension I may observe on the foot during a session.
One of the theories of reflexology is that the body will nurture and repair itself once released from stress. If the body is extremely stressed, I may refer you to another treatment, if appropriate, but at no time will I give medical advice or diagnosis.
What will I experience during the session?
Experiences with reflexology sessions vary from a general sense of relaxation and rest to a conscious awareness internally of the area of the body where the practitioner is working through the foot. Many people experience a "lightness" or tingling in the body, as well as feelings of warmth, a sense of "opening," or "energy moving" from the practitioner's pressure to the specific body area or organ. There is often a physical perception of energy flowing through every organ, valve, gland, or muscle, as well as a sense of communication between each body system.
Other reactions during the session range from physical to emotional and may include:
Sensation of being cold or chilled
Feeling light-headed
Sighing deeply
Overwhelming desire to sleep
Disappearance of all pain and discomfort
Loose, relaxed muscles
How many sessions are needed?
The number of sessions varies and is determined by the client's health and reasons for seeking reflexology. But in general, results from reflexology are often subtle and are cumulative. Thus, you are more likely to see greater benefits from regular sessions (for example, once a week for six weeks) than if you had a session once every six months.